Get Mint-ed!

Ever since I was little, I’ve had a serious thing for mint. Mint candies, mint drinks (this started out as a love for this mint syrup mixed with water that was insanely refreshing, to mint tea & graduated to mojitos), mint ice cream, things that smell like mint (body wash, aromatherapy oil, shampoo)… the list goes on. Now, while trying to be health-conscious, I’ve moved away from the candies, ice creams and syrups but have started regularly buying bunches of mint in my grocery shop to add to my diet.


As with most things, I had no idea what mint can actually do as a regular part of my diet, so here are a few quick facts that I came across this AM:

  1. Mint promotes digestion! It can soothe stomachs if you have indigestion/inflammation (yay for my new mint flavoured Pepto Bismol chewables), and the smell actually activates salivary glands which get the digestion process going.
  2. The smell of mint can ease nausea
  3. Mint balm or oil can provide headache release when rubbed on your forehead and nose
  4. A strong mint smell can be helpful in clearing up congestion – helps kick colds and soothe asthma. Additionally, the cooling effects of mint can soothe the throat & irritation that causes coughing
  5. Mint is a stimulant! A sniff of mint can wake you up and give you a little boost
  6. Mint oil is good for your skin – for soothing, curing infections/itches, reduce pimples and can cool insect bites
  7. As mentioned in #1, the salivary enhancing benefit of mint can help you lose weight – it stimulates the digestive enzymes that absorb nutrients from food & consume fat
  8. ORAL CARE!!!! I think we all know about that one. Mint is extra helpful for maintaining fresh breath, whether it’s from toothpaste, mouthwash or gum. What you may not know, however, is that mint used to be rubbed directly on the teeth and gums to refresh the mouth and eliminate nasty bacterial growth

My favourite way to use mint is in my water – I throw a few mint leaves into a re-usable bottle, a few ice cubes and after a little shaking my water becomes intensely refreshing. This is something I do every time I head out to my yoga class – I’m always super glad to get a quick sip of water in when it’s extra refreshing. I’ll also include mint water in my daily work routine – I try and prepare a bottle of mint water with lemon to take to work & refill throughout the day. I’ve been throwing mint into my Nutribullets too (today’s is no where near as pretty as yesterdays. It’s pretty thick and scary looking, but tastes good all the same.)

Yay for one of my favourite herbs being beneficial! Time for a mojito 😉
